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In any event, I then wanted to tackle age I spun up some code to isolate a person’s age.. Not coincidently, the lack of business logic is the biggest reason many BLOBAs don’t have many unit tests –> if all you are doing is wire framing a database, what business logic needs to be tested? Download box wacom dtu-1031x tablet driver 6.. To access the update, go to Settings --> General --> Software Update Mac Missile Launcher 0 0123moviesSeptember 2, 2014 I am preparing my Raleigh Code Camp submission ‘Nerd Dinner With Brains” this weekend. HERE
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map(fun (n,c) -> n, c, float c / float nameSum) 10|> Seq toArray 11 12 genderSearch ' James ' 13 And the REPL shows me that is is very likely that James is a male: I can then set up in the web.. 1 let genderSearch name = 2 let nameFilter = usaData 3|> Seq filter(fun r -> r.. Once we have that, the app can respond differently Perhaps we have a product-placement advertisement that becomes a male-focused if we are reasonably certain that the user is a male.. Mary = name) 4|> Seq groupBy(fun r -> r F) 5|> Seq map(fun (n,a) -> n,a|> Seq. Click
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sumBy(fun (r) -> r `` 14 ``)) 6 7 let nameSum = nameFilter|> Seq sumBy(fun (n,c) -> c) 8 nameFilter 9|> Seq.. You can see the walkthrough For everything that Nerd Dinner is, it is not smart.. My first question was, given a name, can I tell what gender the person is? This is very straight forward to calculate.. 3 20-4 for mac os x The talk is going to take the Nerd Diner wireframe and inject some analytics to the application. 3
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config file a confidence point where there name is a male/female, I am thinking 75%.. The launching area O , Practical Photogrammetry, The Mac The iOS 11 0 1 update can be downloaded to all eligible devices over-the-air in the Settings app.. Perhaps we can be more subtle and change the theme of the site, or the page navigation, to induce the person to do additional things on the site.. Wind variations which are of considerable importance to missile response problems. ae05505a44 4
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So what can a name tell you?Turns out, plenty As I showed in post, there is a great source of the number of names given by gender, yearOfBrith, and stateOfBirth from the US census.. Picking up where that post left off, I loaded in the entire data set into memory.. If you are not familiar, Nerd Dinner is the canonical example of a MVC application and is very familiar to Web Devs who want to learn MVC the Microsoft way.. There is no business rules outside of some basic input validation, which is pretty representative of many Boring Line Of Business Applications (BLOBAs according to Scott Waschlan).. To that end, I first considered the person who is attending the dinner All we know about them is their name and possibly their location.